In the market for a new projector? Well, be sure to do your homework before purchasing, because having the right projector for your needs is an important part of your success.
These days, there are so many projector options to choose from, that it’s hard to wrap one’s mind around the possibilities, so Planet Depos did a little research, and here’s what we found.
Firm owners who are looking to set up conference rooms with in-place projectors no longer need to look solely at expensive, heavy projectors in order to provide their clients with excellent sound and vivid displays for videoconferencing. Projector Central’s top pick of 2014 is the Epson EX6220 WXGA 3LCD Projector, which provides a 3000 lumen color/white display, a 1280 x 800 WXGA (Wide Extended Graphics Array), weighs a mere 5.29 pounds, measures 11.6″ x 9.0″ x 3.1″ (W x D x H), and may be purchased for under $600.
CART providers who travel to their assignments by car and don’t mind the weight and measurements of the Epson EX6220 would do well to utilize it on the job. But reporters who rely on public transportation and need the convenience of a more compact projector may want to consider CES’s 2014 International’s ultra portable projector picks: the BenQ GP20 or the Vivitek Qumi Q7. These lighter weight, compact projectors do not have the 3000 lumen output of the Epson EX6220, but they do have a 700 lumen display on the BenQ GP20 and an 800 on the QumiQ7. Because of their lumen limitation, however, CART providers are advised to pre-test these units on site for adequacy in presentation before relying upon them for convention assignments. If the assignment is slated for a large ballroom, and there is no opportunity to pre-test, going with the less compact unit with the brighter, more vivid display is always the safest route.
Court reporting marketing professionals who like to travel light may enjoy the Dell M115 HD Projector. It weighs less than a pound, offers the user PC-free presentation options, connects to most mobile devices, and offers the versatility of multimedia presentations from cameras, DVDs, DVRs, and video game consoles.
Court reporting students, on the other hand, who really aren’t ready for the meeting and convention world, but want to have fun viewing what they write in a big way on their dorm room wall and don’t have to worry about the lumen output may want to consider Wirecutter’s pick, the Brookstone HDMI Pocket Projector. It will transform a student’s dorm room into a home movie theatre in no time flat, making it perfect for work and home.
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